11:23 PM | Tuesday, September 30, 2008
normal day.
alright,met jerome at yck. waited for him and headed down to orchard get somemore grad gifts!
boarded with same train with cling and dorothy. they alighted at bishan.
went to shaw and eat first. ate subway. super fullll after that footlong sandwich.
went over to wheelock and then to taka's artfriend. still couldn't find the stuffs we wanted.
spent about an hour at kino. haha. read about some book about the animals you will find in singapore! the snakes are coool creatures! :D
headed to city hall after that. shopped around raffles city basement. jerome bought some stuffs. and we got a headache(for some reason!) now! haha.
headed back to school for night geog lesson,jerome headed home.
went to find aizhen and melody. bought bubbletea and headed to school.
studied until 8.45? left with glenden. mum and dad came and fetch me.
fetch brother and grandpa from khatib,sicne my bro got tution there.
headed home after that.
woooo,i can't wait for the league! and might be working at my auntie's company! :D haha. okay,super can't wait for my 3 months break! but for now is study craze! (:
should be going to khatib macs to study with jerome and glenden tomorrow! grand cannon(inside joke)! haha. okay,blog again! :D
when you put down the past,the future is there to welcome you.
God is just amazing.
11:37 PM | Monday, September 29, 2008

11:09 PM |
four papers left,three subjects left.
last friday went to amk lib to study with wanhao,victor,jianyi and glenden.
haha,not very productive though. left halfway to go for tution.
after that went back to amk lib to study with michelle. thanks to kaiming for booking the table next to his. (:
abby came over a while,but left shortly. bused home after that.
saturday went to cathay starbucks to study with jerome.
woooo,nice place to study actually. got so into bio and copied a few chapters of notes! :D
quite happy,cause i spent that few hours copying that there!
around 4 plus,somehow got kicked out cause the so called weekend crowds are crowding in.
so headed to ben and jerry to continue study. went to plaza sing and had mos for dinner. headed home after that.
yesterday went for church with shaun and mengchao,we somehow earlier then usual!
but still late! managed to hear and sing more songs! hahaha. church was great! (: after service,went over to amk lib to find seats,but was fully booked already,only 10 plus by then!
so went to amk kfc to have so breakfast cum lunch! got free food,the cashier was so blurred! haha.
went back to amk lib,but still no seats. so went over to popular at jubilee to find some stuffs(hint-grad day stuffs!). haha.
after that went over to khatib macs to study with jerome and shermin!
wah,i miss out the birthday party that was happening at macs! haha. time passed really slow yesterday.
but i managed to fully remembered my bio for the first time! i can finally remember science! wooo. for your info,i have never pass except for two times since primary 3. which is PSLE and once in primary school. haha.
today! i don't know why,everybody got so excited after the papers,like N level finished already! hahaha.
i didn't know chem was the first paper! i still unknowingly went to study bio first!
yup,chem was a killer paper for ME. everybody went,'wahlau no cake this paper,so easy,A1 already lah'. haha.
bio next,i have a very strong feeling i am going to pass and do well? (: haha.
everything i studied yesterday,came out! :D and those i never studied like the human reproduction,didn't came out for the paper 2! :D
had lunch break,thanks glenden for buying lunch for me. (: studied a while there and headed back for maths!
maths was quite tricky,some quesitons are really testing our general knowledge! haha.
got one so easy until it's 10-7=3. haha.
after paper,went to amk to eat macs(again) with wanhao and mengchao. headed home after that. met munyee to pass her geog textbook.
four papers! three more subjects left! :D maths paper two,geog,poa paper 1 and 2! :D friday will be maths paper two and geog. next wednesday will be poa paper 1 and 2! after that,it's like 3 months break! YAY! and on wednesday have pol-ite floorball! NYP VS RP! first match! i think should put last match lah,so exciting! but last match is NYP VS ITE. stillv ery exciting! haha. i can't wait for next wednesday. i have so many things in mind! work,enjoy myself,the league,and a lot a lot of stuffs,last but not least,spend time with o.0! :D okay,but the d-day this year is defintely december 18(if i am not wrong). results going to come out this day. i so can imgaine on dec 17,i won't be able to sleeeep. alright,going to get somemore grad stuffs with jerome tomorrow before going back school to have night remedial with mr lau! haha. he said that,he will send us off with a toast on thursday's rememdial! lol. and ohya,i am going to post pictures i took recently! (: blog again! :D
i am waiting,
last chance to shine.
11:00 PM | Thursday, September 25, 2008
today went to meet jerome,aizhen and melody at khatib macs to study.
i think i studied much more then what i usually study in the libs. haha.
bus home with aizheen after that. talked about a lot of stuffs! haha.
sometimes i still do think of you every now and then. i can't forget you,really. though i didn't really spend a lot of time with you,but i feel that you are just the girl,i could never say goodbye to. four years already,hmmmmmm.
rahhh,exams coming still talk about this stuffs. what nonsense. haha. okay lah,n's on monday! wow,so early! haha. i can't believe everything is progressing so fast. i am more of looking forward to next next wednesday after paper! wooohooo! how carefree will everybody be lah! 3 months break,before the moment of truth! haha. going to study with wanhao and glenden at amk lib tomorrow. got tution also. wooooo,i can't wait for the league to start after exams. it's like the best thing that will really happen after exams i guess! (: alright,i guess i will blog tomorrow,if i am as energetic as today! haha. blog again! :D
someday that dream might come true,
i hope it would.
12:09 PM |
grad day photos!

9:52 PM | Wednesday, September 24, 2008
graduation day!
haha.as you see the title. yup,grad day today! haha.
heart kind of feeling heavy,this might be my last time going to school properly. yeah. saw wilson and went to class with him. haha.
raining in the morning,so had to go class for mornign assembly. for the first time,the class sang the songs clearly,loudly and very united!
haha. really great time. had a bit of interation time with teachers for a while,before we were left on our own.
so took photos! :D upload the photos later! haha. went to find wanhao they all.
then went to chapel for grad service with them. haha. jianyi leads us in praise and worship today! (:
he certainly did a great job! he and clarice were also the emcees today.
the tributes videos were so funny! our sec one photos all displayed! wahlau! hahaha. everybody did changed a lot. four years and it's really so,that some of us are graduating this year.
shaun's and aizhen's speech were so funny! aizhen was supposed to read her own speech,but in the end,she had to read shaun's one!
cause shaun wrote two full pages of tributes to the teachers and school!
the principal gave us some dragonfly thing,as a sovenior! haha.
tariq they all keep playing whoever wins will get his opponent's dragonfly! haha. of course he won it.
grad service ended with another photo-taking sessions! haha. and had tea reception,the spring rolls were nice! haha. helped the teachers carry the tables back too.
then went to amk hub to eat mos with jerome,wanhao,chongling,melody,mengchao and nick. then nick and mengchao left us,met glenden at bishan. headed to dhoby ghaut to catch Babylon A.D. i think it was quite not bad,a lot of parts were kind of too fast,like what glenden said,they kind of like squeeze everything together. haha. i got a feeling there's part 2 to this movie! haha. VIN DIESEL is really very cooool. i shall rate this show,3.5/5! haha. then went to walk around at ps. melody and glenden left us. walked from dhoby ghaut to orchard with jerome,wanhao and chongling. jerome bought his new school shoes at heeren. haha. walked to orchard mrt,before trainning to marina bay and homed after that.
the past week had been great. friday after school,had trg. used the hall till 7.15,didn't did great though. then move to the canteen for physical trg. wooo,muscleaches all over! saturday went to orchard to bought some stuffs with jerome before going to amk lib to study with dorothy and shihui and the express people. went to meet shermin with jerome after that. went to the thai restaurant at chongpang for dinner. very long never go already. haha. sunday woke up with a super super pain right arm. my mum said might be muscle tear. so didn't went to church. parents brought me to kallang there to see the chinese doctor. turn out to be all my injuries accumulate up,that's why will have such pain. even my chest also have. -.- went to meet jerome,dorothy and julia at city hall after that. went to buy some stuffs before,going to bk to continue study. monday stayed in school to study. tuesday stayed in school to see the rehearsal of grad service. haha.
finally,it was the last day. all those mixed feelings seems to have disappeared. but after looking through those tributes and those videos the teachers had made for us. i really think it's time that i really should study full-time. because i want to have one more year in this school. i have all the friends,my combined schools dream and a lot of stuffs. so really,i have to rushed all those last minute work out now! (: okay,blog again! :D
11:42 PM | Thursday, September 18, 2008
i've been there before,
went to study on saturday with the usuals at amk lib. wasn't really that productive,but still complete my work. sunday,went to church and went to the telok blangah bridge again with jerome and shaun. not as scary,compared to the first time. and we got lost. cause we walked down this slope that leads us to this small small pond? we had to walk out to the nearest bus stop. took 200 to buona vista mrt and went to city hall with jerome,while shaun headed home. went to walk around,and realise have a lot of stuffs haven't bought yet! haha. monday,stayed back in school to study. tuesday,school was as usual. had trg in the night. not a lot of people came down for it,since it was a real last minute trg. but still had fun,and finally touch my stick after so long! haha. mum and dad came and fetch me and jerome home. fetch brother and grandpa from khatib too,since my brother had tution there. wednesday,didn't go schoool. had to complete my that stack of tution homework. tution was alright,after tution went over to j8 and bought some stuffs. mum and dad came over to fetch me. (: haha. today,lessons were usuals. miss lim didn't come,and all three of the NA classes were affected. haha. after school,kick soccer a while before heading to the school new library to study a while,before going to find mr lau for geog lessons. headed home with steven after that.
alright. 5 days before grad day. haha. this is so shittttt. monday will be the last day we are using the transuclated(whatever it's spelt) timetable. how fast. miss chua told us about the grad/prom night thing. haha,we could go tooo. pay 25 bucks-.- but it's optional for us. so shall seee how. so shaun and aizhen will be our class reps for our grad day talk. hahaa. i want to work after n's. like seriously. i need the money man! haha. woooo,3 months holiday. but it's so ironic. part of my mind wants me to stay in school and not graduate. the other part of my mind wants me to enjoy my 3 months holiday. i don't know,it is so weird lah. okay,gotta go! blog again!
praise to you God,
drink to all that we have lost.
9:31 PM | Friday, September 12, 2008
you are the reason of my smiles everyday(:
okay,the telok blangah bridge was a really nice place to go! but it is so highhhhh. okay,nvm. shalln't mention about it. but it's a fun place to walk! :D monday stayed in school to study! haha. then tuesday went to white's house to play snooker and basketball. wednesday,after paper stayed in school to study before heading for tution. i got now one whole stack of maths revision for me to complete by this coming wednesday. this is so uncooool. yesterday stayed back in school to study a while and headed home early. met gary and steven on the train. went to sun plaza to walk around with steven. he wanted to look at phones and i need to buy some stuffs tooo. saw derek,liying and shixian at sembawang after alighting. haha. and SAW small pig tooooooo! hahaha. okay,headed home after that. today after school supposed to go city hall to look at muji stuffs with white and jerome. but last minute decision,went to play soccer with jerome,wanhao,glenden,jianyi,victor and mengchao. the usual amk street soccer court that we always play soccer at! enjoyed myself(:
getting used to going home at 3 almost everyday. this is so boringgggg. okay,next week is officially the last week that we will attend school the whole week,before the following week which only need to attend school on monday and for grad service on wednesday. really kind of sad man. scared couldn't move on to sec 5 and stuffs,have been really making me feel very uneasy this few days. n's so near,and i suddenly feel like just study like crazy and play like crazy at the same time. it's been quite a time since i last touch my stick. have the sudden urge of playing floorball now! uhhh. this is so annoying. tomorrow going swimming with jerome,before ikea with jerome,julia and dorothy? i hate major exams. alright,blog another time i guess.
i suddenly feel so far away,
maybe i need a long break,after n's of course.
8:06 PM | Saturday, September 06, 2008
n level.

oops,more than a week since i last blog. either i am too lazy or have to study for n's lah. haha. last saturday went to flyer with jerome and shermin! woohoo,superb. though i kind of scared of ya. hahaha.but really very nice to take a ride round flyer! (: after that headed to novena for steamboat! wasn't that nice,but the wasting food part was the fun part! haha. stayed home sunday. i was a amk lib visitor for monday and tuesday. tuesday had chinese n's. was rather easy. ss on wednesday. it was a killer paper. went to eat with wilson,yiloong,chuanmeng and sokvay at bishan and headed home. thursday had english.english paper was another killer paper. just pray for my b4. went to glenden house with wanhao after paper,nick went to jianyi's house. met jerome at market,had lunch before heading to yck comunity centre for badminton! (: victor,raymond,steven and qinghai joined us too this time. enjoyed,but was rather more tired. headed home. went to celebrate my uncle birthday,had dinner at some amk coffee shop,which serves superb crab bee hoon! yumyum. bought ice cream cake while heading home. somehow i think i saw a gangfight. lol. celebrated at home. friday,woke up late. so time past rather fast. supposingly going to night safari,but had to cancel,cause lots of last minute cannot go. had tution,and watched movie with melody. haha. white supposed to go one. wahlau. watch wall-e! quite nice ah,very long never watched night movie already. trained home alone after that. today,practically didn't go anywhere much. just headed to 306 there to play floorball with jootat,wenjie and stanley. but had fun(: went to some nearby coffee shop,had a drink. bought some stuffs at seven eleven while walking home. tomorrow after service,going to the new telok blangah bridge with shaun and mengchao since jerome still on cruise,i think it's going to be so fun! based on the newspaper,the bridge might take two hours plus to complete! sooooo,i want to see how long it really takes. looks really very attractive also! haha. wahlau,the new timetable is shit. everyday have to stay until 3. what nonsense man. and almost everyday have mock paper to do lah. boring shit. alright,blog again i guess. (:
it's my fault.
when everything falls apart,

i am really sorry.